Therese & Madi’s Mother Daughter Photo Shoot

I just love Mother & Daughter sessions, and Therese and Madi’s photo shoot was no exception!

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I put a call out for Mums to be part of a new movement I am creating, all about helping Mothers to feel beautiful, see their value, and exist in beautiful photographs together with their family.

I was so happy to see Therese coming forward to embrace this opportunity and get those much desired portraits together with her 17 year old daughter Madison, who is in her last year of high school.

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Therese wanted to capture these photos now at this time, before Madi goes off into the world.

“This is Madi’s last year at high school and she is looking towards her next stage in life. My baby is almost all grown up and I am so proud of who she has become.“

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When I asked Therese what her favourite thing is about being a Mum, she said that:

“I have been blessed with a gorgeous girl. Each stage has been an adventure and we still enjoy a cuddle together. I love our girl time, Netflix, nails and chocolate.”

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As parents, we become role models for the values we want to empart to our children. Therese has these gorgeous nuggets of wisdom that she wants Madi to know:

Appreciate what you have, don’t dwell on what you don’t. Be kind, we all have something special to give, praise those that have done well, do your best, accept that in something’s others may do better, it doesn’t make your effort have any less value.”

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One last piece of wisdom Therese wants to share with her Daughter, is:

“Living part of a community, watch out for each other; and if you really want something, it has more value if you earn it yourself”

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Thank you so much for stepping in front of my camera. My hope is that these portraits have helped you to see the beauty in who you are right now, and celebrate your special relationship together as a family.

family photography hamilton nz jade thorby photography

“It is important to capture moments with those you love as time goes too fast and the opportunity to get that great picture without you behind the camera is rare as a mum.” - Therese

If you’re a Mum and are interested in joining this movement and would like to apply, please email me and I will be in touch!

“Celebrate you and your relationships today with portraits that stop time.”

Jade x