Why I Love Photographing Families - Beauty & Family Photographer, Hamilton Waikato NZ

It can be hard sometimes to put into words why I love family photography so much.

Maybe, because I know it to be so much more than photos.  For one thing, I see family portrait sessions as a way of re-discovering yourself as a women.  Especially after giving so much self-less love to your children, as you nurture and love without measure.  Sometimes you forget yourself in the process, and you need reminding of how beautiful, strong and important you really are.

Not only that, it is an experience to be shared.  Can you imagine as a little girl, having a day to play dress-up with your Mum and getting beautiful portraits that capture this special time you shared together?  Can you imagine what these photographs would mean to you now, especially now that you are a Mother yourself?  This is something truly unique & special that you can give to your children - something they will never forget.


Your children do not care how you think you look - I know the typical things we say to ourselves... why would anyone want photos of me?  I need to lose weight.  I feel old and worn out.  What point is there to having portraits of myself?  I just want photos of the kids, thanks, not me!

Does this sound familiar?  

You might not see it now, but your children love you and look up to you.  And they do not see these flaws that you see in yourself.

And one day, your children will most certainly want photographs of their beautiful Mother to hold dear, especially when it is your time to leave this world and go onto the next.

What memories will they have of you?  What memories will they remember of the beautiful life you shared with them?  What is your legacy to your children that you always want them to remember you by?


This is why family photography is such a treasure that I think everyone woman should do.  Not only for themselves to celebrate who they are as a woman, and as a Mother, but to capture the relationships and the love you share with your children.  With all of your loved ones.

You are a beautiful treasure, and I would love to reflect this back to you with portraits that take your breath away.  Photos that peel back the layers of who you are, and reveal your innermost beauty and the love you have in your heart.

Don't stop yourself from giving this gift to yourself or your children.  


Tomorrow is never promised, and life can change dramatically in the blink of an eye.  Only the good Lord knows when it's our time, but all you can do is to seize this moment and embrace it with all your heart.

Do this for your children.  Do this for all of your loved ones.  And more importantly, do this for yourself.  Because you deserve to feel beautiful and to exist in photographs that you proud of.  You will not regret doing this, and your family will love you for it.

Interested in booking me as your Beauty & Family Photographer? Call me on 0273633680, or contact me here.

Jade x